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Daily notes - 2017-06-02

Early in the morning, I did some computations by assuming that the injection rate is equal to the water cut and the injection pressure is around the hydrostatic pressure. Depending on the water cut, the recovery factor can be indeed negative but only for very high water cuts (99% plus)
I was thinking about using Reaktoro to estimate the enthalpy of reaction at different temperatures and then fit the correlation that is used in phreeqc for the enthalpy of reaction to the Reaktoro HKF estimations. I'll have to do it later.
I just contacted a seller on Reshopper to buy a bike trailer seat for Aidin.
I'm trying to rewrite a piece of code that I have written many times previously, but for some reason, I cannot focus today.
I sent an email that I should have sent a couple of weeks ago, and although the reply was not favorable, it made me feel less anxious.
My code finally works and it is fast enough. I do not have enough energy to finish my work today, anyway.
I have realized that my problem is not procrastination alone. My other problem is laziness. Don't get me wrong! I'm not comparing myself to the really lazy people, but to real hardworking scientists like Hans. I have to try and force my brain to work harder and longer.


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