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2017-05-31 daily notes

I have decided to write whatever comes to my mind every day.
Writing the paper on the exergy analysis of geothermal energy, and thinking about the methane carbon emission and specific exergy. The chemical exergy of methane comes from the sun, which is of course clear since we don't have any other energy source (well perhaps geothermal and nuclear are different unless. Unless we are debris of the sun?). Anyway, the funny part is that what we burn now as fossil fuel is the sunshine of millions of years ago that is stored underground. Wood is the sunshine of several years ago. Wind and waves are the sunshine of few days ago perhaps? I'm not sure.

I'm thinking about getting the temperature history for, e.g., last year to calculate the heat loss from a building block and use it to estimate the energy requirement for warming. These are some of the usefull links I have found so far. I will go through them later:


I also looked into the bicycle trailers (fietskar in Dutch or Cykeltrailer in Danish) to find out whether it is possible to use one to carry Aidin around. Apparently, there is a small seat that can be installed inside a trailer for newborns.

I wrote two more pages of our paper. The mathematical modeling section is now complete. Tomorrow I'll work on the results and discussion and then hopefully before the end of the week I can take care of the introduction and send it away.

Now I'm going home to have a cup of coffee (decaf), play with Aidin, and work on another paper if time permits.


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